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When we speak of a country or State, we assume that it has only one nation. In fact, in some languages, the country implies nation. Thus, when we say Hindusthani, literally it would mean the one who belongs to the country called Hindusthan. But, rare are the countries that contain only one race of people or have a completely homogeneous populations.
In a democratic country or State, the ‘diverse population’ phenomenon assumes a multifarious significance. The relationship between demography and democracy is becoming politically important. After the collapse of the Soviet
Union, borders of every country are softening and migration, legal or illegal, is going on apace. The Majority’s will as the deciding principle in a democracy is becoming ambiguous.
Minorities are becoming highly visible and vocal and gaining special rights. Multinationalism was a distinctive feature
of the USSR and Yugoslavia that were not considered democratic States. They were not liberal democracies, any way. Currently, the question of multinationalism has to be discussed within the context of liberal democracy.
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